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Friday, November 14, 2014

Alien: Isolation Tips

1) Always search for materials in cupboards, crates etc, which are marked with green lights to show they can be checked. If your inventory is full for a particular material you should craft something using it so you can continue to stock up, and keep a supply of useful items handy so you don’t have to craft in the middle of a hectic situation. Be very careful when using crafted items, as they can affect you as much as your enemies. Noise makers can rebound the wrong way, attracting
nearby hostiles rather than causing a distraction, and items such as EMPs and flashbangs are always going to get noticed. Molotovs also draw a lot of attention, and a misplaced throw could send you up in flames.

2) Once you acquire it, pay attention to the Motion Tracker at all times, and if it starts to ping then forget everything else you’re doing and look at it immediately. Find a place to hide as soon as possible, then work out where the danger is coming from and start forming a plan for how to deal with it. There really is nothing else that matters when it’s going off.

3) The Alien uses an invisible network of vents that exist outside of the level to get around, but this still has a fixed layout and follows physical rules so its appearances are never random. By using a combination of the sound you hear as it moves around, the Motion Tracker blips and the map screen itself, you can start to plot out a route of these vents and reduce the possibility of getting a nasty surprise from up above.

4) Use the map screen regularly to keep tabs on your surroundings and points of interest, while looking out for map stations to update your records and reveal new areas. There are plenty of obstacles that you initially won’t be able to pass as you don’t have the right tools, and although these get marked on your map it’s worth making your own note of what equipment is required to aid backtracking later. Always ensure you know how to get to the nearest save point, and consider visiting it after every completed objective if it’s safe to do so, to prevent losing too much progress if you die. As long as they aren’t blocking your way to reach it, don’t worry too much about hostiles around the save point area; as long as you survive to complete the save, they will have moved on if you have to reload afterwards.

5) Avoid combat wherever possible, by observing any hostiles you encounter from a distance then planning your route accordingly. Use distractions, such as those provided by rewire boxes, to either create noise to lure them away or generate mist to help you slip past unnoticed. If you need to fight then use melee attacks, as guns are far louder and slower. You can also turn the tables and use the Alien to your advantage, by employing noise or a flare to draw it into the same area as hostiles, then sitting back as it wreaks havoc on them.

6) Remember that nowhere is completely safe, as the Alien can and will follow you anywhere if it gets suspicious including the vents. Don’t get complacent if you haven’t seen it for a while, as it’s a constant presence and if you make too much noise it will appear. Stay crouched and remain cautious as you enter new areas, where the first things you should look for are hiding spots.

Crawling under a table is better than ducking into a locker or cupboard, as you get full 360 degree use of the Motion Tracker that would otherwise be restricted in the confined space. However, for this to be effective you really need to be deep underneath your chosen cover and it needs to be dark, as if you’re exposed by light and not well tucked away (watch those limbs!) you’ll easily get picked off by any nearby hostiles.

7) Pay attention to the sounds produced by the Alien as it moves around to help locate it, as your Motion Tracker will only help you out to a certain degree. Distinct noises can be heard depending on whether it’s crawling through the vents or pacing down the corridors, and it makes specific sounds when entering or exiting areas. For example, the same hissing growl can be heard whenever it drops out of a vent, signalling its method of arrival in the area. Learn these signals to assist with identifying the Alien’s position and route.

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